FAQ (Tourism Bureaus)

Here we will publish frequently asked question that we got from representatives of official tourism bureaus or other personal.

Why should I upload content?

First of all, it's free. Once the content is uploaded travel agencies and end users can make use it. It is possible that some of your activities or events will be reused in hundreds of different lists. Therefore, it's important that you upload as much content as possible.

What is your USP?

Our flexible lists. There are millions of blogs which list interesting activities (places, things to do, events, tourist attractions). However, it's not possible to save that content. Those lists are static. On EventScouts each user can easily drag & drop (copy) content into new lists. This is a game changer. Of course we have many other amazing features but the flexibility of our lists are unmatched in the industry.

What does it mean to subscribe to a list?

Users (f.e. a travel agency or an end-user) can subscribe to lists. Whenever there is a new card (activity or event) inside a list they will see it in their feed and in the notification inbox. We will implement a feature that allows them to turn on push and email notifications.

Can we also upload videos?

Not yet. We are working on this feature.

Can we also upload places?

Yes, you are free to upload every kind of content you want. We very much support the idea that you create lists of places (instead of only activities or events).

Do we have to upload the content manually?

No, please get in touch with you if you want to do bulk uploading for mass content.

What is the benefit of using EventScouts over some famous travel blog?

For Tourism Bureaus the benefit of using EventScouts is that content on EventScouts is flexible - not static. Your content is reusable and can be mixed & matched by different players in the industry (travel agencies, magazines, bloggers) for their very own target groups. However, a traditional blog is static. F.e if the blog is about the '10 best things to do in Dubai' then each card will need to be copied manually if someone wants to reuse it for a new 'best of' list. While on EventScouts you yourself and other users can simply drag & drop (copy) this card to new lists. This, plus our 'save & subscribe' features creates an interconnected network where content is floating freely within different lists.

Last updated